
The Gild pursues one overarching goal that is essential to all its members and that is the quest for Self-transformation. In this quest we look to Odin who is the God of Magic, Inspiration, Art, Conflict and Consciousness, the Norse Archetype of this never-ending process of transforming the Self. Trying to emulate him and to implement the things he represents, is a difficult task as there is no clear rule book as to what that actually means. As our quest is a very individual one it is up to us to chose a path that renders the best results for us and one approach is to use the rational mind in order to find basic principles that are in accordance with Odin’s character and his eternal search by using a philosophical approach.

Philosophy is only helpful if it can actually be applied in everyday life and therefore one of the main difficulties is to study this ancient Archetype and find effective ways to implement it into our daily lives without clashing too badly with contemporary society and its laws and customs. Self-transformation can be done in solitude as a social outcast or even from a prison cell but it is much nicer to do it while staying somewhat integrated into larger society and without the iron bars in front of our windows. Below you will find articles that try to outline the basics of Odian philosophy and how it might be implemented in order to enrich our lives and help us move forward on our journey towards Runa, the Mystery that cannot be uncovered…


Introduction to Philosophy
The Dagazian Paradox
The Wheel of the Year