Runology is the study of Runic alphabets and their origins. Runic inscriptions can be found on many artifacts and can be as simple as a name engraved into a comb or an ancient „graffiti“ scratched into a stone bench by a bored member of the Varangian Guard spelling „Halfdan was here“. On the other end of the spectrum we have beautifully carved Runestones, oftentimes accompanied by illustration of mythical themes of Norse as well as Christian origin. Some modern Runestones carved by one of our Runemasters can be found in the „Art“ section.
The Gild places great value on current research in all disciplines that can help us get a better understanding of how the Runes were used and understood by the people that actually created them, as these insights form the basis of what we teach. Below you can find an article and several videos that give you a great introduction into the current scientific theories regarding the origins of the Runic alphabet and other topics related to Runology.
The true meaning of Odin’s Name
Discussion of the Horn of Gallehus (Part 1)
Discussion of the Horn of Gallehus (Part 2)