Soul & Self

One of the truly fascinating things about Runes and Norse Mythology is how easily they can be applied on many different levels. They can be used to reconnect to our historical past, to do magic, to transform our Selves and to understand our own psychological makeup. Runes offer a very powerful way to create an alphabet that cannot only be used to write things onto a piece of paper but to send them directly into the deepest areas of our subconscious.

The Mythology is very deeply rooted in the most archaic levels of our psyche and therefore is a great tool in order to learn more about ourselves and to become healthier, happier and more productive people. In this section, you can find some articles about how to use Mythology as a map to your psyche as well as how to create powerful instruments that can immensely benefit your mental state as well as your general perception of reality. Whatever tools and techniques are presented in this section: Use them at your own risk!

Myths will only be used as psychological models in this section. In order to get a better understanding of these Myths, check the section Mythology


Waking up the Self
Gaining Access to the Self
Heimdallr and the Censor
The Soul in Germanic Lore