
The Rune Gild is not for everyone. The search for Runa and the development of the Self are truly difficult tasks that require tenacity, strength of mind, courage, honesty, dedication… and a healthy dose of humor. There is a common misconception that the use of magic is a way to produce results without having to do the necessary work. This is not the case. Magic is not a shortcut but a tool to make the impossible possible, or, if we’re a little more realistic, to make the improbable probable. If your magic starts to work, then the development of the Self is a necessity.

Developing the Self means to reach for the light of consciousness, which can only be found inside. No teacher, guru or God can hand it to you, this is something you have to gain for yourself. If you’re a true seeker and committed to this task the Gild will offer you assistance and guidance but only you can find the way to access your inner realm. This realm is a very different place than the modern world, dimly lit by neon lights, TV sets and smartphone screens. A vast stretch of impenetrable darkness lies between the two and in order to cross it safely you will need a lot of tenacity, strength of mind, courage, honesty, dedication… and a healthy dose of humor.

If you’re still interested you might be one of the people we’re looking for. The Gild prides itself on being a true meritocracy and therefore is open to everyone over eighteen years of age, who is willing to do the work no matter what their sex and sexual orientation, gender, ethnic or cultural background is.

If you truly want to join the Gild you have to buy our basic curriculum, The 9 Doors of Midgard. Each Door is a series of rituals, meditations, magical techniques and so forth that you work through. At the end of each chapter, you’ll also find a reading list with mandatory titles as well as books that are helpful but not absolutely necessary to read at the respective stage. Work through the first two doors. If the curriculum resonates with you after completing them, write an application to the Gild. The letter should not be longer than two pages and include your basic information as well as your reasons for wanting to join the Gild. Include your magical background, if you have one, as well as fields of study or interest. Write about what you hope to gain from becoming a member of the Gild and what the Gild would gain by welcoming you into its ranks. Send the letter to:

The Rune-Gild
P.O. Box 54,
Moss Beach
CA  94038-0054

If you haven’t worked with any magical system before or simply get stuck while working through the first two doors you can contact us at and we will connect you with one of our elder Fellows. He or she will answer your questions and help you along. Once you have worked through the first two doors and your letter of application has been deemed worthy, you will become an Associate and be given access to the internal Gild forum where you can read posts, create your own threads and interact directly with all Gild members that are active on said forum.